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Create an article and post it in an article directory. Drafting blogs/articles and posting them in Ezine, GoArticles and etc is an awesome way of linking back your website. Some of the sites feature an author bio where you can tell people more about the services and products you offer.

SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization. It's a way for a business owner's website or blog to be found on the Internet. There is a variety of ways to use SEO strategies, Pinterest which is why a lot of people are confused by it. However, the main goal is to rank higher in the search engines and make your business website more relevant on the Internet.

Although having external links to your website can improve your search engine rankings; however do not over do it. Some web masters go to the extent of having unrelated sites link to the websites. This can lower your website's rankings too. If you need to have external links, you have to strategize and get links from related sites. For example, if your site is about sailing boats, make sure you have links from related sites such as boat repair instead of unrelated sites such as dog training.

Now you might be wondering, with the audio, are you just posting that on your blog for someone to interact with or are you doing distribution of that as well?

By adding news to your website, you will be adding extra content, and the search engines will visit your site more often. What sort of news, or other regular additional content could you provide your SEO company with? What about a blog, or focusing on a department or member of staff in your company? What about a product of the week, or a branch of your company?

SEO news Do not overlook the search engine guidelines. It is amazing how many people ignore the guidelines put out there, for free, by the folks at the major search engines. These guides tell you what to do or not do for your page to be ranked by their engine. Don't ignore this free advice!

How can you do this? Two very important SEO tips - use keyword research tools and develop a search engine strategy that will benefit you the most. Plenty of keyword research tools exist that can help with your keyword analysis, such as Wordtracker or Google AdWords. These can help you identify the keywords and key phrases that will give you the most success, lower search volumes for certain keywords could indicate that it is a more targeted phrase with greater potential to convert traffic once it arrives.

Off-Page SEO happens outside of the website. It is the method of distributing valuable and relevant content about your products and services onto the internet in the form of blog posts, videos, articles, forums, podcasts etc. that all point back to your website to help raise its rank in the search engines as well as drive traffic.


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